Pasta with Baked Tomatoes and Egg plant.

Pasta with Baked Tomatoes and Egg plant.


Tomatoes 1 kg
Egg plant ½ kg
Bay leaves 2 nos
Salt 1 tsp
Olive oil 3 Tbsp
Pasta (Penne) 500 gm


Wash and cut the tomatoes and egg plant fruits into medium sized pieces.  Mix them together with oil and salt and fill them in a baking tray.

Preheat the oven at 180°c and bake the vegetable for 45 minutes.  Stir the ingredients after each 15 minutes.

Boil 2.5 litre water in a vessel, add salt and cook the pasta till al-dente.

Drain the water and add to the baked tomato-eggplant mix and mix them together.

Serve warm and strew grated parmesan cheese over it.

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